Happiness, part whatever

For now, revisions are done (again) on the fantasy novel Singer in Rhunshan, at least until my agent and possibly some editors wade in.

This is what the manuscript looked like last September:

Singer mms for blog


This is what it looks like now: gone from 54K to 91K, plus sequel and series synopses.

Singer mms 6-4-2015

As I was in the final stretch I got word that Tanith Lee had died. Without her ‘Flat Earth’ series as guide and good example 30+ years ago, my work would probably not exist. There are many threads in the tapestry of that inspiration, but Ms. Lee was a major part.

Note added 6-13-2015: For better or worse, the mms has been mailed.



2 Comments on "Happiness, part whatever"

  1. Here’s wishing you, and your story, good fortune.
    (Just back from three weeks in the bush)

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