Lonhra Sequence

You know the moment when something, even the tiniest something, finally goes right?

I’m querying a mms that might as well be a roller-coaster, for all the ups, downs, and death-spirals it has gone through in the last three years. This current round of querying has only been a month-and-a-half, nowhere near the two years I spent ineffectually hawking Bloodshadow.

Sometimes, an offhand email request opens unexpected doors. A publisher I knew only in passing, is suddenly revealed as A Good Publisher. A publisher already dealing with many of the very good agents on my wish list, so just from that I can infer that both sides are of decent industry standing. And the publisher is actually viable, considering my weird mix of genres that might be homeless anywhere else. Not too small, not so big, a good mix of principals who seem to not only know but adore their business.

Thanks to that one email response, I’ve gone from crickets, slamming doors, and numb exasperation, to a small amount of hope for this new book. My query countdown has been given overtime. It doesn’t matter if no one else says ‘yes’ or even ‘maybe’. I have two alternate plans now, not just, ‘Well, then I’ll self-publish.’ Of course it’s not a sure thing – nothing ever is. But it’s a step in the right direction.

Turkish has a whistled version, used often in the mountains of northern Turkey. It’s eerie and lovely, and seems to do interesting things to the brains of people who listen to & understand it. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/whistled-language-uses-both-sides-brain?tgt=nr Why am I excited to blog about it? I have another data point for ‘singspeech’, my made-up Sonnaroi constructed language.…

Read More Cool whistled language article

In 2011 a group of spec fiction writers (who mostly knew each other from SFF.net) got together on a modest digital anthology: Past Future Present 2011, from Copper Publishing. Some of the authors are major award-winners with stories at well-known magazines and publishers; others are talented hobbyists and up-and-coming writers with much bigger projects in…

Read More Past Future Present 2011 anthology

I’ve had an on-again, off-again fling with the idea of self-publishing a fantasy novella. At each stage in the game, the beast grows a little bigger. From the original 6.5K or so short story I started years ago, Singer in Rhunshan is now over 33K. (As of 7-20-2014, it’s now at 35.5K. I think it’s…

Read More Adventures in novella writing

This is a classic piece of advice for new(ish) writers. It’s also one of the most frustrating, for a couple of reasons. Often, we simply don’t know how to do that yet. It takes time and work to gain the skills to ‘show’ instead of merely narrating important details. Even the critical reading skills to…

Read More Show me, don’t tell me

I’m sorting – when I can – the vast amount of digital, handwritten, sketched, and printed-out information that accrued over my years of worldbuilding the Lonhra Sequence. It isn’t pretty. If I’m to have any hope of self-publishing these stories, I need to do serious housecleaning with all the interlocking and/or contradictory versions I’ve written.…

Read More Housecleaning and dedications

…Only I don’t really have an ending deadline date,  because I know all about best-laid plans. Singer in Rhunshan will probably, at some point in the next few months, become a self-published fantasy novella. There were valid reasons to delay this step: my fears, my ego, the complexity of doing this right, my worries that…

Read More My self-publishing countdown begins…

(This is set in my Lonhra Sequence universe, which readers of my Cleis Press story ‘Saints and Heroes’ might remember. These two men aren’t lovers yet, but I thought their meeting deserved more than the two sentences it has in my notes.) The bribed bailiff walked around a corner, her sandals slapping on dusty pavement.…

Read More Out of Omiesh (M/M flash fiction: adult content advisory)

(Warning: links will take readers to an assortment of M/M writers’ blogs, with varying amounts of adult material. Click responsibly.) A couple of my fellow M/M authors from AbsoluteWrite.com convinced me to sign up for this shindig. It’s sponsored by their writing critique group, The House of Manlove, and will be coordinated from this site between…

Read More Upcoming: Valentine’s Day M/M flash fiction blog hop

Round Four of the Singer in Rhunshan e-pub cover: more texture in foreground, clothes, and trees. Deeper shadows. Highlights in the shadow-figure in the sky. The sig to the lower left is a stop-gap. I’ll be sending off my real one to my cover designer once we get this part nailed down. This is a…

Read More Further cover adventures (slight adult content)

Good news, everyone: I have found a skilled cover designer to do the text that I am obviously not qualified to go anywhere near. The designer and a pack of sharp-eyed folks in an online art forum found all the places I’ve messed up, and pointed them out. It’s called a critique, and it’s a…

Read More Singer cover, round three