Thanks to Canadian and UK readers

Since Moro’s Price stumbled off Amazon last January and was relisted through heroic efforts from Loose Id, I’ve been watching mostly domestic sales in the US.

I don’t know why, but the last month has seen a strong sales spike from Canadian and UK buyers. Thank you so much! You have my heartfelt gratitude, and my promise that I am busy writing the sequel (unrelated legal delays over the last two years, job stuff, health issues, yada yada yada.)

I don’t have a street team, or print books, or even a book that would benefit from flyers and giveaway swag. I don’t promote my work that much in my local area, for various reasons including slight stage fright and extreme laziness on my part. So I’m thrilled whenever a new review (good or bad, it’s still a review) comes out, or when readers discuss my work online.

Your interest helps get the word out about this book, and makes me feel like I’m not writing on a desert island.