epic fantasy

Thank you to all the people who have purchased THE PURIST directly from NineStar Press, or from Kobo, Smashwords, and all the other non-Amazon platforms. Yeah, sure, you can buy it on Amazon, too. But if you do want to read this book, please consider buying directly. It helps my publisher and helps me! I…

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Playing with bits of art I’ve collected or created over the years, to give myself another visual image-set for THE PURIST, a big fantasy novel currently out in Queryland.* Yes, this is SINGER IN RHUNSHAN revisited, massively revised, and (I hope) getting closer to being fit for outside reading. For now, I’m so happy the…

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In 2000, the same year Meisha Merlin published Grimsley’s Kirith Kirin, they also published the anthology containing my first-ever pro short fiction sale. In another universe, Meisha Merlin would have survived and possibly published my debut novel (whichever one that turned out to be.) MM had a rep for taking on daring, quirky books that…

Read More Kirith Kirin, by Jim Grimsley