gay science fiction

In truth, nonbinary characters and relationships already abound in science fiction and fantasy. Even really graphic ones. It’s just that authors who wrote this stuff were largely relegated to more literary fare in the late 60s-early 70s ‘New Wave’ or 2000s-era small-press erotic romance publishers. If they wanted to publish with Tor, Daw, Del-Rey, Ace,…

Read More Male/Male SFF Grows the F**k Up

Since I’ve a nice uptick in sales lately on this M/M space opera romance, here’s a mood board of my original art inspired by the story, cover background from Natasha Snow, and images from Alphonse Mucha, The Nature Conservancy, and Pinterest. I don’t know any other way to respond to the anniversary of 9-11, or…

Read More Moro’s Price mood board