Day 13 of the Absolutely Erotic blog hop

Wander on over to Scarlet Day’s site for an interview with M/M erotic romance author S.A. Meade, whose historical romance Lord of Endersley is making waves in the genre.

Our AE blog main page is here, under the tender care of L.A. Witt. Go on, go see the prize package that some lucky comment participant is going to win at the end of May.

In vaguely-related news, kudos to ABC, Joss Whedon, and Disney for taking a chance on the new ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ show slated for this fall. I’ve been impressed (read: blown away) by the Marvel universe movies, and I hope this is a worthy edition to canon. In a non-canon aside, only a classic pop music fan or slash fictioneer will understand just why I am snickering about Agent Coulson (Hon, you’re ALIVE! Joss has redeemed himself a little for killing Wash) naming his car Lola. Whether it references Manilow or The Kinks, it’s still a delicious character note.