June 2013

The more new releases the better, from my friends at AbsoluteWrite.com. This installment is the M/M novella by Charley Descoteaux, now available from Dreamspinner Press. Blurb: Neil Sedwick expects to spend his vacation in a sleepy tourist trap mourning his late partner’s death. Instead, he puts his recently acquired CPR certificate to use and saves…

Read More Directing Traffic, by Charley Descoteaux (adult content advisory)

Words fail, but I’ll try, anyway. Paramount and Annapurna Pictures (the latter brought us the Cheney Apology-Fest that was Zero Dark Thirty) want to update the Terminator trilogy. Here’s the link: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-207_162-57591478/terminator-to-get-a-trilogy-reboot/ Now, CG has advanced to breathtaking levels. There’s a new crop of action heroes and heroines waiting for a shot at career-defining roles. Or…

Read More Terminate This

Hey, have you heard the one about the Ancient Egyptian statue that moves by itself? This, courtesy of an alert from a friend of mine and an io9 article. Basically, the 10-inch-tall  statue of Neb-Sanu is slowly spinning around on its glass shelf over many hours – but only in daylight, and in a perfect…

Read More Creepy Science Is Still Science

Very soon, the United States Supreme Court will hand down at least two decisions on marriage equality and gay rights in this nation. I’m not even going to try to second-guess SCOTUS. Gay rights do not directly affect my life. I’m straight, and happily so. But since I have gay friends and I write gay fiction…

Read More Rainbow Nation

…on Goodreads, of Moro’s Price, this time from LisaT of the Attention is Arbitrary blog. We’d first touched bases during a blog hop for our mutual friend Anna Zabo. Lisa had this to open with: “This is one wild and very deep ride. I love a good sci-fi and this delivered, but I have to…

Read More Another great review…

Form Rejections: Back in the pre-internet days, when I was a callow newbie, I assigned monumental significance to every form rejection letter I received. At one level I was right: I’d had the courage to query in the first place. But then I mistook that action as requiring an equal gesture from the universe. At…

Read More Rejection letters, or Anything but ‘Yes’ is still ‘No’

We knew this was coming, when he announced in April that his gall bladder cancer was terminal. We had chances to say farewell via his blog and other online outlets. But I am no less subdued for expecting this, and no less thankful that I discovered Banks’ writing many years ago while he was alive.…

Read More RIP, Iain Banks

I create artifacts. I don’t believe any of them have mystical properties. To me, they are interesting assemblages of fun materials, as make-believe as the fantasy worlds I create in my writing. I love special-effect props. I judge movies and shows not only by plot and action, but by the quality of the props. (Warehouse 13…

Read More Prop magic wands

Finish what you start, Crane. This will mean absolutely nothing to most readers, since it’s meant more as a reminder to me. I have so many writing and art projects that when I scribbled them down on the studio whiteboard, the list made me a little queasy. But if I acknowledge them in public, I’ll…

Read More Projects happen