M/M flash fiction, Day 7 (adult content advisory)

Rounding out our week of Valentine’s-inspired M/M flash fiction are three more short pieces.

Evelise Archer gives us ‘Valentine’s Jeans’: a happily married couple get a chance to recreate special moments, courtesy of their teenage daughter .

Kate Lowell shares ‘Fire, Fur, and Faulty Genetics’: an alpha werewolf and a slightly magic-challenged witch celebrate love, trust, and Valentine’s Day magic.

Skye Jones offers ‘Dancing at the Vampyre Ball’: an aging human servant and an ageless high-ranking vampire express their love in secret, furtive moments…until they don’t have to hide anymore.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these bits of flash fiction, and the glimpses they offer into the longer works of some really great authors from the House of Manlove critique group. I’m honored to have shared creative space with them this week.