March 2017

To keep my mind off #pitmad and to get ready for #revpit in two weeks, here’s another mood board I cobbled together for my high fantasy mms SINGER. Art credits include: Michael Whelan, cover for Tanith Lee’s ‘Night’s Sorceries’ Renaissance gold chain, Incollect Venezuelan thunderstorm, The Telegraph Blue Planet, BBC advertising St. Herman’s Cave, Belize…

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Other than sheer masochism? They offer a slight shortcut to the usually long query process, they let you meet fellow writers and industry professionals, and they offer the chance to get agent offers and free feedback. I’ve blogged before about some dangers and darker sides of online pitch contests. Now for a spotlight on the…

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Technology is wonderful. Especially when bright but otherwise bored people say ‘Hey, these zirconium ceramic ball bearings and whetstones are nearly as tough as sapphire. I bet we could make jewelry out of this stuff!’ Jewelry wonks are already familiar with Cubic Zirconium, the relatively cheap and readily available diamond-substitute gem, usually faceted and sold…

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