Flash BDSM romance sale: ‘Moro’s Price’ half-off!

Age warning: the books and links shown here contain adult material.

From May 3 to 4, 2018, this book and some other BDSM titles will be half-price at the NineStar Press website. Check them all out. Splurge a little: my fellow NSP writers offer really good reads!

MORO’S PRICE is a space opera romance about two bisexual men thrown together for mutual survival against political intrigue and racial tensions.

This was one of those dark, fun manuscripts that I wrote just to see if I could, after seeing the train wreck that was an editing test for Ellora’s Cave back in 2011. I was and am a horrible editor for someone else’s stuff, especially stuff *that bad*. Of course I bombed the test. Things I thought were flaws were Ellora’s ‘House Style’, while I missed typos and grammar problems.

But still, the experience got me thinking about writing erotic fiction ‘for real’, and not just in fanfiction or my own never-to-be-seen vast Lonhra Sequence arc.

I still have the first notes that became this book. I also began with a query, which didn’t change much when I pitched to its first publisher Loose Id.

It got published, did okay for a year, then dropped off the charts. Life happened, and I had to set aside the sequels and spinoffs I’d written. Happily, that series (and the whole Lonhra Sequence) seems to have new life at NineStar Press.

original art by Marian Crane

Here’s the shameless begging part of this post: if you snag this book (or any NSP book), please please please review it. Honest reviews…even those an author might consider negative…can do more than any paid advertising. Reviews let us know we aren’t shouting into an abyss. They spark interest and more sales, which encourages us to write and publish more.

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m finishing up those stalled Moro books, and publishing a separate chapter in the Lonhra Sequence later this summer.

Feel free to contact me using the form below. I’m starting to put together a Lonhra Sequence newsletter list (and possibly a Patreon). Let me know if you want to be involved in the newsletter. Yell at me about the Moro book. Ask me about writing and baking.

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