Book and Jewelry Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to the wonders of random number generators, we have our winners for the book and jewelry giveaway, celebrating the debut month of my fantasy novel THE PURIST.

The two formal runners-up are Green Dragon Artist and Stephanie D. You get a choice of THE PURIST in the ebook formats of Mobi or EPub. (If you’ve already bought it, I can send you either a copy of the related-but-not-quite book MORO’S PRICE. Or (drumroll!) the now unpublished mms for BLOODSHADOW, which follows the early adventures of Sfassa’s and Eridan’s many-times-great-granddaughter Tel. Tel’s story has to get re-worked a bit before I republish it, but it’s a fun book.)

Our grand prize winner is Susana, who gets the choice of THE PURIST ebook formats, and this necklace!

Because we have a limited number of entrants (and I love you all), I’m clearing ALL entrants to receive an ebook copy of THE PURIST (if you want one).

Why am I doing this?

I love NineStar Press. They took chances on me when no one else would. But since I did not snag a literary agent or a huge, wealthy publisher like Tor or Orbit for the Lonhra Sequence books, we need to get word-of-mouth out about THE PURIST and this big, sprawling, weird series.

The best way to do that is to get readers reviewing. I’m not going to send you an ebook with the express plea ‘Please review this.’ Review if you feel comfortable. Review honestly: after 26 years in commercial art and manufacturing, I have rhinohide like you would not believe. Negative reviews also sell books…I have the realtime stats to prove it.

So get in touch with me at cranehanabooksATgmailDOTcom to give me your email addresses and ebook format choices.

Susana, same for you but also send me a mailing address for the necklace.

Thank you for joining in!