Revenge queries and art show entries

Hi, everyone! I’ve had an absolutely shitty day that reinforced my basic cynicism toward seven-tenths of humanity. I won’t go into the details, it would just bore you.

So I came home, ate a piece of very fine chocolate, took a new picture of a beaded tapestry wall hanging, and entered it into an art show. It may or may not get juried into the show, but it’s a piece of fiber art I’m still quite happy I completed.

It inspired me to enter a couple of SFF convention art shows, too. I have all this fantasy-adjacent art kicking around doing nothing right now.

In writing, similar actions are called ‘revenge queries’: get rejected, assess the query to see if you can refine it, then bounce that query right back out to someone new.

Seething, festering fury is all very fun for a couple of hours, but it’s more useful focused into flinty resolve.

Who knows, you might get a ‘yes’!

Anyway, here’s a new shot of ‘Aquifer Tapestry’.