Mirrormaze has launched

MIRRORMAZE is a very cool anthology with a deft literary framework surrounding the diverse stories.

It’s a dreampunk anthology of mind-melting SFF from editor Cliff Jones Jr. and Fractured Mirror Publishing, released on December 8, 2020.

I’ve read the galley, and now I have print copies in my hands. The anthology is a great collection of jarring, dreamlike, funny, epic, and always thoughtful pieces.

My story is the near-future ‘Two Roads’, which had its genesis in a righteously-spiteful slapdown of several famous SFF writers I really didn’t like. My caution was later revealed to be very well-founded…but you’d never know any of that from this version. It follows a young woman navigating the California Foster Care system circa 2075-ish, her own strange abilities, and the would-be cult leader trying to harness them.

Also, it has space witches.

Also, I owe N.K. Jemisin yet another apology for sipping from the same wellsprings: this story predates her orogenes by 20 years, and I adapted the idea much differently. Hers is much better, because she looked fearlessly into the water when I merely glanced.

I think folks will enjoy this book.