Looking Back, Looking Ahead

2020 sucked.

The few bright spots cannot compensate for the vast amounts of suckage. It has sucked so badly that it will undoubtedly poison at least half of 2021, too.

I am grateful for those bright spots. Really. So I will use them as the most fragile of platforms as I look ahead.

We voted out Trump. Now we need to reclaim the Senate, and push back against the madness overtaking the world.

My first rule: Don’t get Covid. Especially this new variation boiling out of the UK.

If I get it, don’t give it to anyone else.

Survive Covid.

Make Covid masks. Ones that work as well as 3-layer fabric masks can.

Help keep my loved ones alive, by staying the hell away from them.

Keep my job.

Make more money.

Save more money.

I self-published three books this year. I’m working on rewriting another three books, and have vague ambitions of writing another two or three books.

A new/old art venue opened back up to me, a gallery changing hands and expressing interest in my book art pieces.

My Etsy shop online has not been as much of wash as I’d feared, so I’ll be putting more pieces up there soon.

More important, I have people who love me. I might not be physically with them, but we’re all enmeshed in this weird reality.

Let’s try to keep above water, and wear our damn masks.