Terminate This

Words fail, but I’ll try, anyway. Paramount and Annapurna Pictures (the latter brought us the Cheney Apology-Fest that was Zero Dark Thirty) want to update the Terminator trilogy. Here’s the link: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-207_162-57591478/terminator-to-get-a-trilogy-reboot/

Now, CG has advanced to breathtaking levels. There’s a new crop of action heroes and heroines waiting for a shot at career-defining roles. Or at least, career-defining parodies worth thirty years of late-night comedy and cultural appropriation. Who doesn’t remember Arnie’s thickly-uttered ‘I”ll be back?’ Linda Hamilton’s lips? The T-1000’s scary-good liquid metal shapeshifting, a ground-breaking effect first mastered in The Abyss?

So why the hell can’t Paramount and Annapurna shuffle through some of the millions of available scripts and thousands of talent agencies, to find something new and relatively original? The entertainment industry’s combined timidity and laziness just keeps getting rewarded, with more and more idiotic reboots.

Enough, already.