Two Amazing Podcasts For Writers

Well, podcasts, videos, websites, merch, etc.

I’ve added two sites to my Links sidebar under ‘Webcomics & Podcasts’: ‘Stuff To Blow Your Mind’ and ‘Overly Sarcastic Productions’.

Stuff is a deeply nerdy and affectionate podcast look at fiction, history, and myth…through a scientific and scholarly lens. It’s great for any fiction writer wanting to get into their own worldbuilding (or just learn more about our world!)

‘Overly Sarcastic Productions’ is a YouTube romp from two persons named Red and Blue, who skewer tropes, fiction, history, and myths with devastating humor and really cute art. If you have stories or tropes so sacred they can’t withstand mockery, this probably isn’t for you (even though you probably really need it!) For the rest of us writer/artist types, these videos are fun and informative vaccinations against being too full of ourselves.

Go. Enjoy. Spread the word.

Added 11-29-2018: let me brush up on rules for commenters. Use words! English is helpful but I can have fun with Google Translate if necessary. If you ‘comment’ with random videos I will delete your post.