A GoFundMe For Mueller?

Matthew Whitaker, the new Acting Attorney General, may act on his threat to stop the Mueller investigation by bleeding off its funding.

Whitaker has been chasing a state judicial appointment since Trump got into office, and doing it by dangling himself coyly on TV and social media so that The Orange One will ‘notice’ him as a Trump defender.

So if that becomes ‘a slow moving Saturday Night Massacre’ (as CNN’s Don Lemon just said), how do we keep the lights on for Robert Mueller?

The biggest GoFundMe in history.

Plus, it might give @realDonaldTrump a bad night or two.

Now, Whitaker *could* follow the Sessions gambit, grow a spine, and simply recuse himself from this case.

(Doubtful, given that Trump is his ticket to a cushy judicial post. But oh so hilarious if it happens.)

Given the fact that the Democratic Party has a habit of rescuing defeat from the jaws of victory, can Mueller rely on their protection?

Also doubtful.

Watergate alumni, independent researchers, and our (for now) foreign allies have said repeatedly that Trump’s & the GOP’s web of conspiracy and corruption are vastly worse than Nixon’s Watergate and Reagan’s Iran/Contra exploits.

With their House wins Democrats are poised to be at least a throttle on Republican control and Trump’s excesses.

The #BlueWave was never going to make much headway in the Senate. But that movement, that call to action, has profoundly influenced state and local elections. 2020 is right around the corner.

Robert Mueller deserves the chance to complete this unprecedented investigation into a President’s corruption and possible treason.

Can private citizens directly fund a government operation? It’s not as crazy as you think. Every Tea Party rantbasket, CitizensUnited proponent, and GOP lobbyist has been angling to do just that. With dark money.

A GoFundMe would be a transparent and truly democratic option for the side of law and liberal values.

Who’s with me?